Junior Academy as of September 1, 2024

Public School Age

A 10% Active Duty Military discount. Special options for teachers.
Parents must enroll for either the daily rate or the weekly (five day) rate.
Minimum one-day per week attendance is required. Some locations may have a 3-day Minimum.
The above rates include some activities and transportation costs unless otherwise notified.
*Special Activates will be an additional charge. There may be a surcharge for lunches, transportation and certain miscellaneous fees.

We are a licensed CCCAP and NACCRRA provider.

Junior Academy: 719-632-7681

If you have any questions please contact the Director.
For more information please refer to our Financial Obligations.

Enroll Today!

Yearly Enrollment Fees:

Preschool $9.005

Summer Preschool $50.00

Summer Day Camp $90.00

Public School: $75.00

Family EF $150.00

Mavericks EF: $90.00


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